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Du C au C++

Le C a et e con cu en 1972 par Dennis Richie et Ken Thompson, chercheurs aux Bell Labs,
afin de d evelopper un syst eme d'exploitation UNIX sur un DEC PDP-11. En 1978, Brian
Kernighan et Dennis Richie publient la d efinition classique du C dans le livre The C Pro-
gramming language 6 . Le C devenant de plus en plus populaire dans les ann ees 80, plusieurs
groupes mirent sur le march e des compilateurs comportant des extensions particuli eres. En
1983, l'ANSI American National Standards Institute d ecida de normaliser le langage; ce
travail s'acheva en 1989 par la d efinition de la norme ANSI C. Celle-ci fut reprise telle quelle
par l'ISO International Standards Organization en 1990. C'est ce standard, ANSI C, qui est
d ecrit dans le pr esent document


I hope to God that Alex Smith is not taking this as pesolnalry as some of the commenters on this site. Note: The following assumes the reports concerning the contract offer from SF (3 years, $24 Million, $10+ Million guaranteed) are accurate.There is no

I hope to God that Alex Smith is not taking this as pesolnalry as some of the commenters on this site. Note: The following assumes the reports concerning the contract offer from SF (3 years, $24 Million, $10+ Million guaranteed) are accurate.There is nothing wrong with the 49ers offering Smith a contract at less than elite QB pay. He is not an elite QB. Yet. There is nothing wrong with the 49ers not adjusting the contract in light of the Sanchez and Flynn deals. Those guys were overpaid. Given that last year was the first year Smith enjoyed success in the NFL (the previous 6 years may not have been his fault, but they were what they were), a guaranteed $10 million and the chance to show what you can do with a second year in Harbaugh's system doesn't seem outrageously low. Nor is it accurate to say that the offer was for chump change, seat warmer money or whatever dismissive term someone wants to use. The offer of an 8 figure guarantee is not something a team (especially this team) is going to make for a player it does not value. The 49ers realize that Alex Smith provides the team with its best chance of getting to and winning the Super Bowl. There also is nothing wrong with Smith being dissatisfied with the offer and wanting more $, more guaranteed $, or whatever it is that he wanted. He elevated his play last year and won important games for the 49ers. He is the team's best shot at getting to the Super Bowl next year. The other alternatives are speculative at best. Smith wasn't ungrateful for declining to sign the offer as soon as he received it. He wasn't delusional to make a counteroffer (if he did). The 49ers weren't wrong to go after Manning. If healthy, he is one of the 5 best QBs in the league. It arguably would have been irresponsible not to investigate the possibility of signing him. Everybody should understand that.And Smith does. I don't know why everyone thinks that Smith is hurt/insulted/annoyed by the 49ers' interest in Manning. According to Kevin Lynch, Smith is not upset that the 49ers took a look at Manning. He merely believes it was disingenuous for the team and Condon not to tell him about it while he was negotiating with the 49ers. Apparently, he only found out about it shortly before the media did. And, really, that's the only thing that troubles me. Why not be upfront with the guy and tell him that they had to do their due diligence on Manning? Smith is a smart guy. He would have understood. Depending upon the actual facts, doing it the way they did probably cost Harbaugh and/or Baalke some equity/trust in the locker room. How much remains to be seen. As for what Smith should do, he should make his case for more money, but if SF doesn't budge, sign the deal or counter with something like MCPx3 s idea. Either way, come back to SF, get deeper into the offense, build on last year, take the team back to the playoffs and try to contend for a Super Bowl. It's his best chance to remove the doubt that last year was a fluke and to make the case for more money in the future. It's also the way to pocket $10 million. It's just the smart thing to do. To walk away from $10 million and his best opportunity to showcase himself for the future out of some misplaced sense of pride strikes me as a fairly immature response. I don't think Alex Smith is immature. Not after the 7 years he has been through. Now, let's go check the news to see what story broke revealing all of the foregoing blabber to be misinformed and/or obsolete.
29.06.2013 07:15
outright lies. The 49ers were winning and the fire was bunring bright and him not praising Smith during the season is kind of like throwing water on the fire. He has to say those things to keep the fire bunring. When you're dealing with someone whose conf

outright lies. The 49ers were winning and the fire was bunring bright and him not praising Smith during the season is kind of like throwing water on the fire. He has to say those things to keep the fire bunring. When you're dealing with someone whose confidence has been destroyed you have to praise even the slightest improvement.To me Smith should've expected this all along. Jed and Baalke would've cut Smith last season if it wasn't for the lockout and remember they went after Hasslebeck too. If MH signs you can bet they release him then. So, to add to my previous post, the best chance Alex has is to come back to the 49ers, continue to improve and show the league he can put up solid numbers then if the 49ers keep offering him mediocre numbers more teams will show an interest and he'll be more likely to sign a decent offer to another team. I'm curious to see how Smith performs with an offseason under his belt and some quality healthy receivers to throw to for a season. You know in this whole scenario I'd ask two questions: Was this contract a Jed/Baalke decision or a Jed/Baalke/Harbaugh decision? Did Tom Condon tell Smith not to sign the contract?
29.06.2013 09:51

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